Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Detective Beckett, NYPD!" said she.

DISCLAIMER: The following views are just mine and aren't influenced by anybody else.

I was a fan of Castle TV series. I used to get glued to the TV at 10pm when it got aired on Star World and watched back to back episodes of its previous seasons on weekends. Such was my craze. I swooned whenever Rick Castle came onscreen and was mad about the ending tune they played after the show.

The initial seasons, although i didn't bother much about the interrogation and the case Castle and Beckett solved, i waited for the Caskett to click. I loved their chemistry. His quirky ways and her stern replies. And whenever there was an episode about Beckett's mother's murder, i watched it carefully, following every bit of evidence and the case. Its all so good until 3rd season. The climax was awesome. Beckett gets shot and then Castle utters "Kate! I Love You" for the first time.

The following season involved little less about their chemistry and more about the development of Beckett's mother case and the scandal. I liked the seriousness of it. And the season 4 was good one too, with Beckett making peace with the case and getting back to Castle; thus making the Caskett fans happy about the "Will they?Won't they"question.

Now suddenly i grew up and started observing it as a monotonous tale. I mean, the guy got the girl, the case got settled upto some decent extent, and what else is there to be explored regarding the show? i thought. I didn't follow it anymore. Moreover Rick Castle seemed older. No offence about older people, but he looked 'ruggedly handsome' in Season 1,2,3,4 more and even Kate Beckett aged! Sad! Well, they are humans after all.

My interest with the show disintegrated and the once most followed Castle page on Facebook didn't get any visits from my end. But today, after almost an year and 2 seasons of the show, something happened.

I saw the poster of Season 7 where Beckett stood in her wedding gown! Now, after watching four seasons and knowing Kate, that girlie-self of her character felt odd. Inquisitive of the episode i went through the episodes.

Apparently, its just not me, but Kate too grew up and she kept on saying "We're getting married" to Rick, clinged on his side arm while getting the marriage license before their wedding day. Now, that seemed particularly odd for me. Odd is an under-rated term for the feeling i went through.

Now there's no more writer-muse romance and will-they-won't-they surprise for us. Instead the hard rock like macho-woman Kate Beckett is getting married! Sigh! I mean, yeah, marriage is an important part of anybody's life and being a fan of the show i wanted this. But seeing her coo like a teenage girl got me!

Fast forward to the next season, i see her actual self, the battle-mode ON for Castle and the lioness is back. Now i must mention that i never noticed; well, never cared much about her instincts and the lady-like behavior along with the warrior mode seemed immensely sexy about her. But as time changed and my perspective changed; i suddenly see Kate Beckett as my role-model!

As a young girl, i just loved the chemistry between these two amazing characters. But now, i see the maturity of the female-lead and am in awe with that.

Whoa! Did that take a whole big blogpost to explain? Well, my bad,..i did start from the beginning.

SO, BOTTOM LINE, Kate Beckett is awesome, sexy, beautiful and a role model for me; although her running in high heels seemed too impractical sometimes.
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