Spending days of sleepless nights and giving exams is rather easier than waiting for the result...especially when you are expecting something out of your hard work.

it feels like butterflies are flying in the stomach and you start praying to the almighty for everything to come out as expected.the moment internet browser starts to load the page, my heart beats faster than it should and makes loud noises which i fear someone might hear.and when the internet connection is slow, the torture is too much to take.i, at times fear i might collapse;but no,i have to remain strong.and it will be the most annoying moment when your friend calls and talks nonchalantly and at the end of the conversation you find out that results will be out some other day.annoying-because you've got to put up with all that distress once again.why am i saying this?because today is my D-day.results are going to be out and few people think its not today.and i seriously don't know what to do.
Well,to keep myself preoccupied from last two days i've been reading lauren oliver's Delirium and its sequel Pandemonium.Oliver has really done a great job and we can see it in her works.the world she describes presumes and proves that love is a disease and it should be cured,else people die when infected.there are many rules for the uncureds(people who are not yet cured of for amor deliria nervosa: scientific term for love).people can be cured only when they reach the age of 18 because children under 18 when undergo the procedure for the cure can have bad effects and sometimes it wouldn't even work.our protagonist Lena gets infected with amor deliria nervosa and tries to escape to the Wilds(place where invalids-the resistors for the system live) with her boy-friend Alex.but at last only she makes it till the Wilds with Alex sacrificing himself for her safety.
The second book-Pandemonium revolves around Lena trying to survive in the Wilds and joining the Resistance.she here meets Julian who is the head of DFA-deiria free america -an association which encourages or rather forces the uncureds to take up the cure and falls in love with him.two completely opposite characters, who fight together when they are in danger and atlast manage to survive and fall in love.its a beautifully woven story and in many ways different compared to the first part.also the last line of the novel leaves us in awe with the re-appearance of Alex who was presumed dead by Lena. this makes the reader wait for the next part-Requiem.
Frankly speaking ,i've enjoyed Pandemonium more than Delirium.the second part has more action thing going on rather than first one where Lena falls in love and starts to feel it and acknowledges that love is not a disease and if it really is-then she is glad that she is infected with it.the third part -Requiem will be released in 2013.i am desperately waiting for it.till then......................join the resistance and spread the deliria!!!!

it feels like butterflies are flying in the stomach and you start praying to the almighty for everything to come out as expected.the moment internet browser starts to load the page, my heart beats faster than it should and makes loud noises which i fear someone might hear.and when the internet connection is slow, the torture is too much to take.i, at times fear i might collapse;but no,i have to remain strong.and it will be the most annoying moment when your friend calls and talks nonchalantly and at the end of the conversation you find out that results will be out some other day.annoying-because you've got to put up with all that distress once again.why am i saying this?because today is my D-day.results are going to be out and few people think its not today.and i seriously don't know what to do.

The second book-Pandemonium revolves around Lena trying to survive in the Wilds and joining the Resistance.she here meets Julian who is the head of DFA-deiria free america -an association which encourages or rather forces the uncureds to take up the cure and falls in love with him.two completely opposite characters, who fight together when they are in danger and atlast manage to survive and fall in love.its a beautifully woven story and in many ways different compared to the first part.also the last line of the novel leaves us in awe with the re-appearance of Alex who was presumed dead by Lena. this makes the reader wait for the next part-Requiem.